Programmatic Job Advertising Platform

JobToME helps people get the right job and employers find the right employees, reducing economic insecurity for ‘Blue Collar’ workers around the world.

Our Approach

Looking for your next role and going through an interview process can feel like a daunting prospect, we have been there too, and we get it. At Marks Sattin we support your career progression and make it an enjoyable experience.

We are committed to developing careers, and we are committed to positively contributing to companies by connecting them with talented professionals. We take a supportive approach to career development and listen to feedback on our service. This has helped us to build trust and loyalty among our community.

Our Solutions

We want to deliver applicants on digital channels at scale for staffing agencies and direct employers, with a focus on high-volume requisitions and ‘blue collar’ workers.
We work alongside companies to deliver:

  • High-volume requisitions
  • Blue Collar workers

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