Our Code of Ethics
This Code of Ethics conforms to the request made by the United Nations “to embrace, support and enact a set of core values in the areas of human rights, labour standards, the environment and the fight against corruption” codified in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, in the International Labour Organization Declaration on the fundamental principles and rights at work and in Global Compact’s Ten Principles on Human Rights, Labour, the Environment and Anti-corruption.
As a Global Corporate Member of the WEC – World Employment Confederation, we have adopted the WEC Code of Conduct and identify with the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.
Through our work, we endeavour to contribute to the efforts that everybody makes to build an initial happiness.
In this framework, this Code of Ethics sets out the values and principles that the Group has decided to adopt in conducting its business and in its dealings and relationships with all its stakeholders.
This Code now represents an integral part of Gi Group Holding’s Corporate Governance policy.
This document is issued and endorsed by the Parent Company and is effective for all Companies within the Group, which formally adopt and incorporate it within their own policies and training schemes. Its guidelines and the principles expressed herein are to be incorporated alongside any local codes, regulations or policies adopted by individual Group Companies or, as mandated by local regulations, to detail the various aspects of the business and corporate relations.
The Code of Ethics is a binding reference point for all Employees, from the Group’s Directors to those in supporting roles, which guides the daily work and interpersonal relationships both internally and externally with society and the market.
Gi Group Holding is confident that its stakeholders identify with the values on which the Code of Ethics is founded, sharing and applying them as the basis for business behaviour guided by the principles of integrity, loyalty, honesty, transparency, respect for the rules and the law, and the absence of conflicts in business or personal interests.