Our presence – Russia

We are in Russia.

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Gi Group Россия - группа компаний, реализующая проекты в сфере работы с персоналом и поддержки рынка труда.

Наша специализация – решение сложных кейсов по развитию hard и soft-skills сотрудников, увеличения их эффективности, подбор линейного персонала, поиск ТОП-Менеджеров и профессионалов узкой специализации и редких профессий, аутсорсинг бизнес-услуг, кадровый консалтинг и документооборот. Кандидатам мы помогаем в поиске работы, совершенствованию навыков и компетенций, построении индивидуальной карьерной карты, организуем сессии коучинга и поддержки.
В России в состав компании входят:
– Gi Group Россия – массовый подбор постоянного и временного персонала, аутсорсинг бизнес-услуг, HR-консалтинг.
– Wyser Россия – рекрутинг, подбор постоянного персонала, карьерное консультирование.
– TackTMI Россия – тренинги и программы развития персонала.

Gi Group Russia is a group of companies that implements projects for personnel management and labour market support.

Our specialisation is a solution of complex cases on the development of employee hard and soft skills, increasing their efficiency, search and selection of candidates, top managers and professionals with rare specialisations, the outsourcing of business services, HR consulting and document management. We help candidates find a job, improve their skills and competencies, develop an individual career map, and organise coaching and support sessions.
In Russia, our company consists of:
– Gi Group Russia – mass-recruitment of permanent and temporary staff, outsourcing of business services, HR consulting.
– Wyser Russia – recruitment, career consulting.
– TackTMI Russia – training and personnel development programmes

Temporary & Permanent Staffing is the group’s core business, identified under Gi Group brand, operating with direct presences in 28 countries and in additional 29 countries thanks to our partners.

Gi Group Russia:
23 Novoslobodskaya Str., 127030 Moscow, Russian Federation
Tel. +7 495 775 5765

Wyser is a global Search & Selection player for middle and senior management that wants to make the difference to people’s lives and support organizations grow their business.

Wyser Russia:
23 Novoslobodskaya Str., 127030 Moscow, Russian Federation
Tel. +7 495 77 55 765

Strengthened by our HR expertise and thanks to our team of experts we propose ourselves as a partner able to find solutions that allow the development of your business within a sector strongly

Tack TMI
23 Novoslobodskaya Str., 127030 Moscow, Russian Federation

Phone: +7 495 77 55 765
Email: clients@tacktmi.ru

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