杰艾控股迎来了 TA 的25岁生日,其创始人 Stefano Colli-Lanzi 借此分享了他对未来的愿景
Stefano Colli-Lanzi 为庆祝这家意大利职业介绍所成为世界领先的人力资源公司之一成立25周年,宣布了未来两年每年都将投资1亿欧元的收购计划。
Stefano Colli-Lanzi celebrates a 25-year story that led the Italian employment agency to become one of the world’s leading HR players, announcing 100 mln euros annual plan of investments in acquisitions for the next 2 years.
充分理解快速变化的劳动力市场、开发新的业务和服务,以及国际化的强大驱动性等能力,是杰艾控股及其首席执行官 Stefano Colli-Lanzi 创业历程的根本主旨。
The ability to fully understand the rapidly changing labour market, to develop new businesses and services, and a strong drive for internationalisation are the underlying themes of the Gi Group Holding’s entrepreneurial history, and that of its CEO, Stefano Colli-Lanzi.
那么集团近期的目标是什么?答案是:2024 年营收达到 60 亿欧元。
The goal for the near future? €6 billion revenue by 2024.
1998年,当时还是顾问的 Stefano Colli-Lanzi 将意大利市场的新规定视为进入人力资源领域的良好机会,从而成立了第一家意大利人力资源公司。
In 1998, Stefano Colli-Lanzi, at that time a consultant, saw new regulations in the Italian market as an opportunity to enter the HR world, by launching the first Italian staffing company.
25 years later, he is at the helm of one of the leading global HR services and consulting companies, Gi Group Holding, with more than 8,000 employees (+1,500 more than 2022) and a presence in 34 countries worldwide.
Its steady growth, through even the most turbulent periods of this quarter century, like the pandemic and the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, has led to an increase in turnover from €1,581 MLN in 2015 to over €3.6 billion in 2022 .
Over the years, Gi Group Holding’s management has pursued a strategic approach to business growth: developing the company’s services (although Temporary and Permanent Staffing is still the main driver of revenue growth) while acquiring new businesses, thus becoming a true global ecosystem of HR services.
纵观公司历史,战略投资和业务并购提高了其增长能力和顺应力:在这方面,去年秋天,杰艾控股宣布了其第50次收购(The Bridge,一家专注于为跨国企业建立和扩大数字能力的人力资源技术咨询公司)。如今,集团的国际收入占其总收入的53%(意大利本土为47%)。
Throughout the company’s history, strategic investments and M&A operations have advanced its capacity for growth and resilience: in this regard, last autumn Gi Group Holding announced its 50th acquisition (The Bridge, an HR technology consultancy focused on building and scaling up digital capabilities for multinational businesses). Today, international revenues contribute about 53% (47% in Italy) of the Group’s revenues.
“这个周年纪念绝对是我们庆祝过往所取得成就的合适时机。因此,我首先要向所有为集团付出并继续每天在付出的人们表示感谢,是他们借助各种机会(和责任),通过辛勤工作为社会的积极发展做出了贡献。而在这种情况下,为未来奠定基础也很重要。在未来几年,集团将继续保持目前的发展轨迹,将国际业务的收入从50%增长到70%。在提供专业服务方面,我们将越来越专注于垂直化、解决方案的多样化和利润率的逐步提高。因此,我们计划在未来两年每年投资1亿欧元进行收购。我们有一个非常明确的目标:到2024年营收达到60亿欧元。” —— Stefano Colli-Lanzi, Gi Group Holding 创始人兼首席执行官
“This anniversary is certainly an appropriate time to celebrate what has been done, so I would first like to address all the people who have contributed and continue to contribute every day to this project, which aims to seize the opportunity (and the responsibility) of contributing to the positive evolution of society, through work. But on occasions like these it is also important to lay foundations for the future. Over the coming years, the Group intends to continue on our current trajectory, increasing revenue from our international business from 50% to 70%. On the offer side, we will increasingly focus on verticalisation, diversification of solutions and progressive improvement of margins. Therefore, we planned an annual investment of 100 mln/€ in acquisition for the next 2 years. We have a very clear goal on the horizon: €6 billion by 2024. " —— Stefano Colli-Lanzi, Gi Group Holding Founder & CEO
而关于集团的扩张,杰艾控股的唯一股东 Stefano Colli-Lanzi 表示:“我们的方法不仅使集团认识到了全球所有员工的工作,同时也制定了大胆的收购战略。”
Also referring to the Group’s expansion, Stefano Colli-Lanzi, sole shareholder of Gi Group Holding, said – “Our approach has enabled the Group to recognise the work of all employees worldwide, but also to develop a bold acquisition strategy.”
除了集团发展轨迹之外,杰艾控股25年来一直有一个明确的目标:为劳动力市场的发展做出贡献,拥抱机会,承担责任,让人们的生活变得更好。Stefano Colli-Lanzi 继续表示:“工作可以创造无价的个人和社会价值,意大利式的思维模式支撑着整个集团组织,并反映于杰艾控股可持续工作的基础上。可持续工作意味着创造支持人们的生活和工作条件,使他们能够在整个积极的人生中找到并继续工作,同时不影响后代进入或留在劳动力市场的能力。”
Besides its growth trajectory, the Group has been guided for 25 years by a clear purpose: to contribute to the evolution of the labour market and to embrace the ambitious opportunity – and responsibility – to change people’s lives for the better. Stefano Colli-Lanzi continued: “Work has the power to generate priceless personal and social value, the Italian mindset underpins our organisation and is reflected in the Fondazione Gi Group for Sustainable Work. Sustainable Work means achieving living and working conditions that support people so they can find and stay at work throughout their active lives, without compromising the ability of future generations to enter or remain in the workforce.”
凭借其作为父亲和大学教授的经验,Stefano Colli-Lanzi 在与年轻人的不断对话中,着重强调了吸引年轻人的3个驱动力,这同样也是当前劳动力市场的主要挑战:注重实践而不是理论、给他们发挥积极社会影响的机会、确保工作与生活的平衡。
Drawing on his experience as a father and a university professor, in constant dialogue with young people, Stefano Colli-Lanzi highlights 3 drivers to attract them – which remains the main challenge for the current labour market: focus on practice rather than theory, give them the opportunity to have a positive impact on society, ensure work-life balance.
在经济前景方面,欧洲战争是Colli-Lanzi 主要的担忧点,不过他对经济复苏持乐观态度。在劳动力市场方面,令他担心的是技能不匹配问题,这影响着集团运营覆盖的所有国家。除了培训和技能再培训,国际流动性将是,而且在一些国家已经是,克服候选人短缺的关键。
Regarding the economic outlook, the war in Europe is a major concern for Colli-Lanzi, who is nonetheless positive about economic recovery. On the labour market front, what worries him is the skill mismatch, which affects all the countries where the Holding operates. Along with training and reskilling, international mobility will be – and in some countries already is – the key to overcoming the candidate shortage.