Gi Group Holding 2022 Sustainable Work Report
Through our services we want to contribute, as a key player and on a global basis, to the evolution of the Labour Market and to emphasize the personal and social value of work
The 2022 Sustainable Work Report, published on 18 July 2023, outlines the progress made towards the realization of our mission.
The document describes and highlights the Group’s actions, presenting the plans and results achieved. It is, therefore, an important resource for understanding how our Corporate Social Responsibility strategy is strongly embedded in our governance and business operations, through which we face the challenges of the moment and help People, Companies, Society and Institutions.
For Gi Group Holding, promoting and realising work that is sustainable means making a concrete commitment to ensure work is decent and safe; capable of nurturing and enhancing people’s employability; generating satisfaction for both them and their companies; paying attention to promoting diversity, equity and inclusion; and employing resources carefully without any kind of exploitation or waste, thus safeguarding them for the future.
On the basis of these considerations, in 2023 Gi Group Holding elaborated a new version of its Sustainable Work Manifesto.
Gi Group Holding is increasingly committed to aligning its grow path as a multinational organisation with its corporate responsibility and sustainability goals. Both endeavours coexist with a priority of meeting the needs of all Stakeholders.
In response to the Group’s constant evolution and its publication of a new Code of Ethics and Global High-Level Policies, we have reorganised our CSR governance bodies specifically dedicated to defining and disseminating our CSR strategy.
Sustainability is also pursued thanks to the activity of Fondazione Gi Group which, set up in 2010, through its own Scientific Committee and an Observatory, aims to disseminate and support the development of the culture of work in all its forms, as well as to facilitate the inclusion of marginalised individuals in the world of work, with priority attention to young people and women in critical situations. In 2022 Fondazione Gi Group took on the status of a Third Sector (not-for-profit) Entity.

For more information, you can consult the dedicated page and download the full Report.